So, you’re finally starting to create a skincare routine-or maybe you’re revamping the one you’ve been following for years. Regardless, when choosing new skincare products, it’s imperative to know which ones will mix and layer well together. Based on your skin type, it might be tricky to figure out which products complement each other the best, and you might go through some trial-and-error. Here, L’OFFICIEL guides you on your new skincare routine with a list of skincare ingredients that you should never mix together.
According to the dermatologist, mixing these actives can cause hyper-reactivity of the skin, excessive exfoliation and increased propensity for blemishes, especially if a good sunscreen is not used.
Still, there are products that use these ingredients in combination. Would that be a problem? According to Thatiana, no. “They are formulated to work together, and the concentrations are adjusted so that they don't cause problems” explains the expert.
"What's not interesting is making product mixtures with these acids that haven't been formulated to work together."
When using these ingredients in combination, benzoyl peroxide can negate the effect of Retinol, because it causes the ingredient to oxidize. “If applied together with retinol, which is a vitamin A derivative and acts on the skin, making cell renewal, it increases the chance of peeling and skin sensitization,” explains the dermatologist.
Joining hydroquinone with products that contain peroxides can cause negative effects on the skin. This union can result in darkening of the skin in the treated areas, as these ingredients together can cause hypersensitivity, causing erythemia and a slight burning sensation.
However, if this has happened to you, don't worry. Thatiana reveals that this can all be reversed by interrupting the use of these ingredients.
These two ingredients have an exfoliating action and, therefore, when used in combination, they can cause irritation and dryness of the skin. According to the dermatologist, when used together they can damage the skin's protective barrier, causing the skin to become dull and dull.
At very high concentrations, the use of hydroquinone and high hydroxyoxide can cause skin irritation, redness and peeling. However, used correctly it can be an amazing match!
When asked about the use of these ingredients together, Thatiana reveals that they are both often indicated for lightening blemishes and smoothing the skin.
“Among the benefits of alpha hydroxy acids, glycolic acid is the most famous representative of the AHA group” explains “We can emphasize chemical exfoliation, cell renewal, lightening of blemishes, acne treatment and rejuvenation aid”.
According to the specialist, we should not associate acids such as glycolic and retinoic acid or even Retinol in the skin. This is because, in high concentration, glycolic acid has the function of chemical exfoliation, and retinoic acid, in addition to causing skin renewal, has a greater role in the synthesis of collagen, making the fibers more elastic and giving more firmness and thickness to the skin.
“But not all skin tolerates retinoic acid, especially in the highest concentrations of creams manipulated with a doctor's prescription. It can cause redness, irritation and peeling,” explains Thatiana. "To have a beautiful, lightened and renewed skin usually only one of these 'stars' can be the main actor".