Her Majesty’s Cayman Islands Prison Service (HMCIPS) is aware that three prisoners have indicated that they are refusing to eat prison food.
The inmates have turned down prison food since yesterday evening (Monday, 1 June) and the matter is now being managed in accordance with internal policy and procedures.
Communication channels between inmates and prison officers remain open and active, and feedback from prisoners, as always, is fully encouraged. It is disappointing that the prisoners did not raise any concerns they have through the internal complaints processes.
The option exists for prisoners to raise issues of concern to the Independent Monitoring Board and they chose not to do this either. This situation was driven by three prisoners and does not involve any of the other residents.
The living accommodation at the Enhanced Rehabilitation Unit (ERU), where the inmates were being housed, is the very best that that HMCIPS has to offer. The current residents of the ERU were moved there as part of the strategy to create some internal space at HMP Northward in light of
COVID-19 prevention arrangements. It was made clear to the men that this move would not include opportunities to begin community placements, due to