The “Legislative Assembly” of the Cayman Islands passed into public memory when it closed on Monday, 2 November 2020.
The Legislative Assembly is about to be renamed as the Cayman Islands Parliament, bringing down the curtain on nomenclature that began back on 4 July 1959. That was when the Cayman Islands received its first written Constitution which replaced the then bi-cameral Assembly of Justices and Vestry with the present unicameral Legislative Assembly.
With this change, Members of the Legislative Assembly will henceforth be known as Members of Parliament.
At the adjournment of the LA for the final time today, MLAs shared memories of their years in the Legislative Assembly. The transition marks the passing of an era as the Cayman Islands progresses on the path to greater maturity and a vibrant democracy.
Today, two Government Motions were passed, with a number of amendments. The two motions, both moved by Planning Minister, Hon. Joey Hew and both about the Development and Planning Law (2017 Revision) were the Draft Building Code (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 and the Draft Development and Planning (Amendment) Regulations, 2020.
Government also accepted a Private Member’s Motion No. 5 of 2020-2021 on Invoice Submission of Medical Bill Claims and was passed by the House. The motion was brought by Bodden Town West MLA, Mr. Chris Saunders and seconded by the Leader of the Opposition, Hon. Arden McLean.
The next meeting will be the first for the CI Parliament.
Learn more about the business that Government has conducted in the House including the bills that have been proposed.