Pirates will be joining forces with a local NGO next month for a raid on plastic at Safehaven. The Pirates Week Festival announced this week that it has brought back the beach clean-up to this year’s festival and will be partnering with Plastic Free Cayman. Melanie McField, Pirates Week General Manager, said that anyone of any age can get involved and have fun alongside the local pirate characters in the clean-up.
“It’s been so inspiring to see the community come and help at beach cleanings,” said Claire Hughes, Plastic Free Cayman founder.
“I believe when people come and clean up, they get to see plastic pollution firsthand and then are much more motivated to make some simple changes to their lifestyle. Pirates Against Plastic is an awesome way to help spread the message to our community that using single-use plastic is not ‘cool’. We are hoping to see many volunteers at the clean up,” she added.
Everyone is urged to come out and join the Pirates Against Plastic initiative on Sunday 10 November from 8:00am. People are asked to bring gloves and a reusable water container. Some clean-up tools will be supplied; ice water and snacks will be also be available.