RCIPS are aware that persons have been experiencing much longer wait times than usual for the processing of applications, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused. These delays have resulted in a backlog of applications which we are working diligently to clear, and stem from several issues, including disruptions due to COVID-19 restrictions and a significant spike since the restrictions have been lifted and parts of the economy reopen. They have made adjustments, including deploying additional resources to allow us to work through the backlog and return to a more consistent timeframe for processing applications.
RCIPS are also working with other statutory agencies where applicable to electronically transmit Police Clearance Certificates, which will create better efficiencies of service and minimize any inconvenience to the customers.
In light of this, the standard turnaround time for all applications is now five working days to ensure that robust due diligence and vetting are not compromised. All applications must be submitted online, via www.eservices.gov.ky for Police Clearance Certificates, and www.rcips.ky/forms for all other applications. Payment for applications made through the RCIPS website must be made through bank transfer.