RCIPS hosted a group of young Caymanians to provide an overview of the various career options within the Service followed by a tour.
The presentation and tour were organised by the RCIPS HR Unit and announced via a Career Flyer post on RCIPS social media channels. The selection of 14 young people, representing both public and private schools, and recent graduates, then expressed their interest in attending.
“This hands-on tour is a new initiative. We also hold our local recruitment campaigns at least once a year, along with participation in career fairs and demonstrations in various schools. With this initiative, we wanted to invite interested young people to get an inside look at our operations by meeting with the various units. This enabled them to get a firsthand experience and become more aware of the various career opportunities available across our Uniformed and Civilian Units, including but not limited to Human Resources, Finance, and IT,” said Human Resources Officer Samantha Bodden.
The students were greeted at RCIPS Headquarters by Deputy Commissioner Kurt Walton, Deputy Chief Officer, (seconded) Nancy Barnard, Assistant HR Manager, Deserey Gayle and the rest of the team, who presented them with an overview of the RCIPS. Afterwards they visited various units, including the Firearms Response Unit, Crime Scene Investigation Unit, and the Air Operations Unit. They received demonstrations on the police tactical vehicles and equipment, collecting fingerprints, and the features and capabilities of one of the RCIPS helicopters.
“We are always looking for different ways of reaching out to young people in the community who may have an interest in various aspects of law enforcement, and showing them just how versatile the career options within the service are,” said Deputy Commissioner Walton. “This was the first RCIPS Career Tour, but it certainly will not be the last. We hope to get even more young people involved going forward, and I was especially pleased to hear that several of the participants expressed interest in interning with the RCIPS in the future.”
The RCIPS encourages anyone interested in attending a future Career Tour to contact the RCIPS HR Team at RCIPSRecruitment@rcips.ky to be informed when the next tour is announced. Alternatively, interested persons should follow RCIPS social media channels for future announcements.