The RCIPS Financial Crime Investigation Unit Warns Against Letter Scam
The Financial Crime Investigation Unit (FCIU) have recently received reports that a number of business owners have received letters in the mail informing them that they are the recipients of a sizeable inheritance from a distant relative.
The letters provide details on how to receive the allocated funds and how the funds will be distributed.
The RCIPS FCIU is warning the public that this letter is the first stage of a scam and anyone receiving the letter is encouraged not to respond.
The public is being asked to be vigilant when carrying out business and are reminded not share personal and banking information, whether through traditional mail, emails or over the phone.
Anyone who receives these or similar letters or who has information on the origin of these letters is encouraged to call the RCIPS FCIU at 949-8797 or email
Anonymous tips can be provided directly to the RCIPS via Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777, or via