At the COVID-19 press conference on Friday, 19 June 2020, Cayman Islands' leaders confirmed that all changes announced on Wednesday remain on track to come into effect starting with the easing of a number of restrictions on Sunday, 21 June.
Chief Medical Officer, Dr. John Lee reported:
- Out of 1,034 test results, only two are positive.
- Of a total of 195 positive cases 143 have recovered. Of the current 52 active cases, 1 is in hospital in a stable condition, 2 are symptomatic and 49 asymptomatic.
- There are 145 individuals at government run isolation facilities and 214 in home isolation monitored by Public Health.
- The 'flu clinic had 4 visits and the 'flu hotline has two calls 'flu' related out of 22 calls on Thursday.
The criteria for discharging
COVID-19 positive patients from isolation have changed:
- For symptomatic patients: 10 days after symptom onset, plus at least 3 additional days without symptoms (including without fever and respiratory symptoms). Persons will then be retested and must obtain two negative tests 24 hours apart.
- For asymptomatic cases: 10 days after positive test for SARS-CoV-2. Persons will then be retested and must obtain two negative tests 24 hours apart.
Special processes will be put in place to deal with some dental surgeries that include aerosol generated procedures.
Anti-body testing at the HSA commenced today and will be reported on in due course.
Lauds "very impressive" collaboration between the HSA and the rest of the medical community in dealing with
COVID-19 locally.
Commissioner of Police, Mr. Derek Byrne reported:
The hard curfew is revoked from 4.30 am Sunday, 21 June.
Premier Hon. Alden McLaughlin said:
The work of the Competent Authority ceases as of today in view of changed regulations from Sunday. Their work, led by Chief Officer Eric Bush, has been exemplary.
Government would like to recognise the remarkable effort by making a one-time honorarium payment for those who bore the brunt of the
COVID-response. Those public servants who helped to combat
COVID-19 by delivering essential services during the height of the crisis will receive a one-off payment of $1,000.
Details for flights to the US in July and August are being finalised.
His Excellency the Governor, Mr. Martyn Roper said:
Cayman Islands has effectively created a safe bubble and is one of the safer places in the world right now. Thanks to all for their cooperation and practicing of required protocols, which need to continue even after restrictions ease considerably starting Sunday, 21 June.
The flight to Chennai goes on sale on Monday and those registered to travel will be contacted.
BA flights to the UK on 31 July and 28 August for students are planned.
A privately organised flight to Cancun, Mexico to repatriate Peruvian and Mexican nationals is organised for 24 June at 7 am.
Health Minister Dwayne Seymour said:
Cayman Islands Government is offering a series of cell phone ringtones featuring the sound of the conch shell against a musical background, and which the public can download for free. The ringtones can be downloaded at: