On December 19th, vote on this question: “Should we allow our elected officials to handle decisions of great magnitude in the manner this port proposal has been handled?
Yes or No. No matter your position on the port, we need to share the same position on common sense. We do not have enough information to go forward to with a project this expensive and impactful. It is not an issue of No Port or Pro Port, this is an issue of “what is the rush?”
Maybe a port is a great idea but we need to do more research and not do it right now.
Maybe we should revisit how activities are booked through the cruise lines and how the revenue will best benefit independent Caymanian businesses.
Maybe Disney would make a better partner than Carnival.
Maybe we need to be satisfied with the infrastructural needs and capacity management of our beaches and attractions before we expand.
Maybe we need to spend some time and resources on our own people — our families, children, elders. We have children going to school hungry, elders who can’t get a meal or new glasses when they need it, families having to decide between medications and paying CUC every month. Where are their concessions, where is their $450 million development plan?
Maybe we should revisit the revenue from cruises to devote some resources directly to addressing these important day to day issues.
Maybe it’s a huge benefit to improve the cargo facility, or maybe we need to improve how cargo is handled once it reaches the customs warehouse first, then assess our needs as a nation. Many shipments spend more time in the warehouse than at sea or at the port. Maybe we should look into improving this before taking on such a huge project.
Maybe we’re being too hasty and rushing ahead without enough information. That is not the Caymanian way. We take our time and think carefully about important decisions; we value the council of our elders; we think of the long-term health of our family and our small island home. One thing is for sure, we cannot undo it once it’s done.
Legalise gambling and ganja all you want; you can always go back on it and make it illegal again. If we build this port under these terms, regardless of the environmental risks, our children and grandchildren will be paying any costs associated with it and it cannot be undone.
We know that cruise business in Cayman is growing. We know that it is many years until mega class ships become the standard in cruising the Caribbean, and that Carnival, Disney and other cruise lines consider Cayman a highly favored destination and have no plans to leave here, even with no new port now.
We know that there has never been a proposal so expensive, expansive, impactful on our future and DIVISIVE in our history. We know that we have time to consider this important project, to shape how and when it happens and what it means to us and our future Caymanians.
But our elected officials, our employees, whom we hire with our votes, seem to think we must rush ahead, that we must get this done now, that all is lost if we do not sign on the dotted line. Our premier (the foreman of our employees) has said that we will get no more information and that if the referendum vote is ‘yes’, they will push ahead as planned.
Even with your people so divided on the issue? Even with many questions of our protection and the terms of the agreement still unanswered? Really? Who said you could rush ahead? Why? Why the rush? And who said you could spend millions of our dollars on this campaign anyways?
On the referendum day vote on these questions:
“Do we have to rush into such a huge decision with inadequate information? Is this wise?”
“Should we allow our elected officials handle such important decisions in this manner?”
“Is our country desperate and this port is our only choice to avoid certain demise?”
“Considering the high salaries of our elected officials, have they done enough for education, the elderly, healthcare, lowering the cost of living and enhancing the overall well-being of Caymanian families to warrant their pay and position?”
“Did my mama and daddy raise a fool who says yes to anything without carefully thinking it through?”
I hope that for you, my Caymanian people, the answer is all the same:
My mama didn’t raise a fool, did yours?
Peace, love, health, happiness and prosperity to each and everyone.